Dobladora de rollos de tubos de perfil W24S-45

A Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine is a type of machine used in metalworking and manufacturing that is designed to bend or shape metal profiles into a desired curvature or shape. It consists of a series of rollers that are positioned in such a way as to apply force to the metal profile, causing it to bend or curve.

La máquina se utiliza normalmente para crear formas curvas o arqueadas para una variedad de aplicaciones, como en la construcción de marcos de metal para ventanas y puertas, o en la fabricación de diversos componentes metálicos para maquinaria y equipos.

Los rodillos de una máquina dobladora de perfiles se pueden ajustar para adaptarse a diferentes tamaños y formas de perfiles metálicos, y la máquina se puede operar de forma manual o mediante controles automatizados. Esto la convierte en una herramienta versátil para una amplia gama de aplicaciones de metalistería.

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Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine  Es una máquina que se utiliza para realizar el plegado en frío de perfiles de diferentes formas y tamaños. Generalmente, la máquina se utiliza en el campo de la metalistería para doblar perfiles como tubos, barras, ángulos, perfiles en “T”, perfiles en “U” y vigas. La parte más importante de la máquina son los rodillos (normalmente 3) que aplican una combinación de fuerzas sobre el perfil, cuya resultante determina una deformación, a lo largo de una dirección perpendicular al eje del propio perfil.

Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine
The Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine of the HARSLE combine high bending performance with modern mechanical engineering and powerful hydraulics. The machine can bend medium and heavy steel profiles with great precision. Siemens brand electrical parts, and a CNC controller that can store self-running programs.

A high drive power and the hydraulically adjustable bending rollers make the entire profile bending machine series a powerful solution for metal construction, locksmithing, and general mechanical engineering. HARSLE is committed to providing innovative solutions for high-precision processing. Profile Roll bending machine

Máquina dobladora de perfiles

A Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine is a type of equipment that is used to bend metal tubes and profiles into various shapes and sizes. This machine is commonly used in the manufacturing industry to produce products such as handrails, frames, and chassis for vehicles.

The Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine works by clamping the tube or profile between three rollers, two of which are adjustable, and then applying pressure to bend the metal into the desired shape. The three rollers are usually arranged in a pyramid shape, with the top roller providing the pressure to bend the metal.

There are different types of Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine available, including manual, semi-automatic, and fully automatic machines. Manual machines require the operator to adjust the rollers manually to achieve the desired bend, while semi-automatic and fully automatic machines have programmable controls that automate the bending process.

When using a Profile Pipe Roll Bending Machine , it is important to follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents and ensure the machine operates properly. This includes wearing appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection, and properly securing the tube or profile being bent to prevent it from slipping or moving during the bending process.

Información adicional
Peso 500 kilos
Dimensiones 1200 × 1700 × 1400 mm
máquina dobladora de perfiles




Tiempo de espera

7 días

Velocidad de flexión

5 metros por minuto

Potencia del motor

5,5 kilos

Curvado de acero redondo Tamaño máximo de sección

52 milímetros

Curvado de acero redondo Diámetro mínimo de curvatura

600 mm

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